Unknown error opening file File not found, couldn't create Failure to create scroll bars Failure to get print record Window failed to be created Read failed with error Error while launching ToolServer There is not enough memory available to launch ToolServer ToolServer Requires The Apple Event Feature of System 7 Command not found. Valid commands are: Cannot open Worksheet. Error Number. File system error. This file is locked. Resources in this file are corrupted but the text is undamaged. This file cannot be opened. Try opening it with the Open menu. Sorry! PlainText requires System 6.04 or higher. Can't get memory for color table! Unknown error AEDisposeDesc in Open/Print AEGetNthPtr in Open/Print AECountItems error in Open/Print GetParamDesc error in Open/Print MissedAnyParameters: after AEGetAttributeDesc. Got Apple Event parameters I don't know what to do with. Not enough memory for this operation to be undone. Failure for create Text Edit record Can't open any more documents! That file is open in another application That file is already open Out of Memory